Classes & Activities for children
MONDAYS - Playgroup for under 5s & Coffee Afternoon
Join our weekly coffee meet up for a relaxing and friendly way to meet mums, dads, grandparents and carers, while babies and toddlers get a chance to play.
Click here to go to our booking page.Location CAWH, London, NW6 1QN Room/Space Hall & Kitchen When Mondays at 14:00 - 15:30 Contact Anika Bakirtzidis Phone Email -
MONDAYS - Spencer Stage School Street Dance Classes
Alys runs a street dance classes for children aged 4 to 14.TO BOOK: Visit www.spencerstageschool.comLocation CAWH, London, NW6 1QN Room/Space Hall When Mondays at 18:00 - 18:45 Contact Spencer Stage School Phone 07925 839395 -
MONDAYS - Capoeira
Where: West Hampstead Primary School (open to children at WHPS only)Cost: £35 per termTo book please contact West Hampstead Primary School office via admin@westhampstead.camden.sch.ukIn addition to the above, CAWH runs Holiday Programs over Easter, Summer holidays and half-terms.
These are run at West Hampstead Community Centre and are open to all children.To book and find out more about the Holiday Programs contact Dornfell Street, London, NW6 1QL When Mondays at 3:30-4:30 Contact Anika Bakirtzidis Phone Email -
First Class Learning - Tutoring English & Maths
English & Maths tutoring lessons by experienced tutor Onye. To book email CAWH, London, NW6 1QN Room/Space Hall When Mondays at 3:45pm - 5:15pm Contact Onye Ukachi-Lois Phone 07368814961 -
Where: West Hampstead Primary School (open to children at WHPS only)Cost: £35 per termTo book please contact West Hampstead Primary School office via admin@westhampstead.camden.sch.ukIn addition to the above, CAWH runs Holiday Programs over Easter, Summer holidays and half-terms.
These are run at West Hampstead Community Centre and are open to all children.To book and find out more about the Holiday Programs contact Dornfell Street, London, NW6 1QL When Tuesdays at 15:30 - 16:30 Contact Anika Phone Email -
WEDNESDAYS - Arts & Crafts
Where: West Hampstead Primary School (open to children at WHPS only)Cost: £35 per termTo book any of the courses above contact West Hampstead Primary School office via admin@westhampstead.camden.sch.ukIn addition to the above, CAWH runs Holiday Programs over Easter, Summer holidays and half-terms. These are run at West Hampstead Community Centre and are open to all children.To book and find out more about the Holiday Programs contact Dornfell Street, London, NW6 1QL When Wednesdays at 15:30 - 16:30 Contact Anika Phone Email -
Where: West Hampstead Primary School (open to children at WHPS only)Cost: £35 per termTo book please contact West Hampstead Primary School office via admin@westhampstead.camden.sch.ukIn addition to the above, CAWH runs Holiday Programs over Easter, Summer holidays and half-terms. These are run at West Hampstead Community Centre and are open to all children.To book and find out more about the Holiday Program please contact Dornfell Street, London, NW6 1QL When Thursdays at 15:30 - 16:30 Contact Anika Phone Email -
Open to WHPS pupils only.Cost: £60 per term.To book any of the courses above contact West Hampstead Primary School office via admin@westhampstead.camden.sch.ukIn addition to the above, CAWH runs Holiday Programs over Easter, Summer holidays and half-terms. These are run at West Hampstead Community Centre and are open to all children.To book and find out more about the Holiday Programs contact CAWH, London, NW6 1QN Room/Space Hall When Thursdays at 15:30 - 17:00 Contact Anika Phone Email -
FRIDAYS - Zen-A-Tots Baby Massage & Yoga With Steph
Qualified Baby Massage Instructor & owner of Zen-A-Tots Stephanie runs 4-week baby massage courses in West Hampstead Community Centre on Fridays.
Benefits of these relaxing sessions include developing the baby's first language - touch, smoothing the transition from womb to the world, improving quality of sleep, regulating and strengthening the nervous system and helping with colic, constipation, and trapped wind.
Book courses with Stephanie directly. Message her on 07752 179577 or email her zenatots@gmail.comLocation CAWH, London, NW6 1QN Room/Space Hall When Fridays at 10:15 - 11:00 & 11:15 - 12:00 Contact Stephanie Phone 07752 179577 Email -
SATURDAYS - West Hampstead School of Dance
West Hampstead School of Dance - at the Community Centre
Providing ballet classes and workshops from age 2.5yrs to 8yrs here in your community.Whether your child wants to dance as a hobby or vocationally we offer classes that are engaging, fun and challenging. With opportunities to do ballet exams, Class Awards, perform and train up to the age of 18yrs.
We specialise solely in classical ballet and follow the RAD syllabus. Our highly qualified teachers deliver inspiring classes, encouraging the love of dance.
Those doing exams have all excelled, without exception, and we professionally stage children’s ballet productions, which are incomparable in quality, style and content. A quality product at affordable rates.When: Saturdays 9:00 - 13:30Where: West Hampstead Community CentreTel 07961 435 282Location CAWH, London, NW6 1QN When Saturdays at 09:00 - 13:30 Contact Gill Phone